Friday, June 15, 2007

6/15/07, 6:30 pm

Can I just say about seeing 204 again this morning--it's the first time since a few weeks after I gave birth that the scale has gone down? And there's a completely direct link between my mood and my eating, so I think that I may have turned a corner. Which I mean pretty precisely--I was going in one direction and now I'm facing another, you know, just facing it.

Today I had to drive both ways in order to run errands in combination with day care drop-off and pick-up, so I didn't get any walking in to speak of and not enough actual nutrition--well, builders bars are nutrition, but I mean more like fruit, veggies, cheese. That is what I did not eat when I ate my bagel and ice tea. Tonight is baked ziti. Yum.

Jenny? I'm going to go to the pool at some point this weekend. Beat me up if I don't.

1 comment:

Jenny Davidson said...

Yes, you must post here now and then about swimming, it will be good!